Budget Plans
Provost presents 2024-25 budget plan to Faculty Senate
Provost Jenny Martinez presented the 2024-25 budget plan to the Faculty Senate on Thursday, highlighting a focus on the university’s core missions of teaching and research.
May 23, 2024
Trustees set 2024-25 tuition, reaffirm strong financial aid
The Stanford Board of Trustees set tuition for the 2024-25 school year during the first meeting of 2024.
May 01, 2024
Stanford Board of Trustees holds first meeting of 2023
Trustees heard a report on accreditation, received a campus update from leadership, advanced building projects, and set tuition for the 2023-24 academic year.
May 12, 2023
Provost presents 2023-24 budget plan to Faculty Senate
Provost Persis Drell presented the annual report on the budget to the Faculty Senate. Senators also voted to create a standing committee to support the Stanford University Press.
May 11, 2023
Board of Trustees approves 4 percent increase for 2022-23 tuition
The Stanford Board of Trustees has approved an increase in tuition and room and board for the 2022-23 school year.
February 17, 2022
Trustees approve 2020-21 budget, set endowment payout in light of COVID-19
The Stanford Board of Trustees approved a high-level budget plan for 2020-21, including an increase in endowment payout supporting student financial aid.
June 12, 2020
Trustees take up planning, construction, other issues
A talk by Bill Gates punctuated a joint session of the board and the Council of Trustees, a group composed of former members of the Stanford board.
February 15, 2018
Stanford releases 2016–17 fundraising results
Gifts to Stanford in 2016–17 provided $1.13 billion for financial aid, interdisciplinary research, faculty support and patient care.
February 06, 2018
Long-range planning white papers released to campus community
Documents address a range of topics from research and educational initiatives to housing, sustainability and university operations. A 30-day comment period on the papers now begins
February 01, 2018
Stanford trustees approve budget and construction projects and honor departing members
The June 14-15 meeting of the Stanford University Board of Trustees was the final one as chair for Steven A. Denning, who has presided as chair since July 2012.
June 19, 2017
Trustees approve 2017-18 tuition and reaffirm Stanford’s financial aid commitment
Under Stanford’s undergraduate financial aid program, typical parents with incomes below $125,000 pay no tuition, and those with incomes below $65,000 pay no tuition, mandatory fee
February 15, 2017
Stanford trustees address construction projects and university budget
During its June meeting, members of the Stanford University Board of Trustees reviewed construction projects, approved the university budget and more.
June 10, 2016
Stanford’s 2016-17 Budget Plan reflects strong fiscal position
The university took a cautious approach to developing its 2016-17 Budget Plan, due to recent weakness in investment markets, which impacts endowment income.
May 27, 2016
Redwood City campus will evoke the look and feel of Stanford
Building a campus from scratch has provided both opportunities and challenges for the Campus Planning and Design Office.
March 17, 2016
Trustees address a range of issues
The Stanford Board of Trustees endorsed the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program, set tuition, approved construction projects, discussed investment responsibility and more.
February 29, 2016
Escondido Village housing project moves ahead with revisions
After receiving feedback from the campus community, the university is moving ahead with a project that will add 2,000 new graduate student beds to Escondido Village.
January 14, 2016
Stanford takes next step toward Redwood City Campus
The Board of Trustees has approved plans for the Stanford Redwood City campus, an amenity-filled workplace and the university's first significant expansion beyond the main campus.
December 09, 2015
Stanford trustees approve budget plan, discuss wide range of topics
Trustees approved the university's 2015-16 budget plan, including a $5 million increase in undergraduate financial aid.
June 16, 2015
Stanford asks Santa Clara County for GUP amendment
Stanford is asking the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors to amend the General Use Permit and Community Plan approved in 2000.
March 17, 2015
Trustees hear about the School of Humanities and Sciences, approve tuition and approve four construction projects
The projects include a new photon science laboratory building at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and a new conference center and office building for the Hoover Institution.
February 13, 2015